Barrons IELTS Practice Exams
This Barron’s IELTS Practice Exams with MP3 CD prepares test takers for success on the IELTS, an English competency test that’s recognized by more than 9,000 organizations in over 145 countries.
The program presents:
Six full-length Academic Module IELTS practice exams with answers and explanations
Six full-length General Training Module IELTS practice exams with answers and explanations
Audio prompts for all of the tests’ listening modules Sample responses for the writing and speaking modules
ESL students can increase their language fluency by using this book and MP 3 CD package alone, or they can use it along with Barron’s IELTS, Essential Words for the IELTS, and IELTS Strategies and Tips, all of which contain extensive practice and review for all of the IELTS test sections.
For more than 75 years, BARRON’s experts have been helping students surpass their expectations on standardized tests. This book will help you get the score you want on the IELTS.
Perfect your test-taking skills by completing the six Academic and six General Training Module practice exams that mirror the actual IELTS in format and difficulty.
Build your English language skills using the included self–study ideas.
Study the complete answer explanations to clarify both correct and incorrect answer choices.
- Track your progress as you proceed through the exams and see your scores climb.
- Six full–length Academic Module practice exams with answers and explanations
- Six full–length General Training Module practice exams with answers and explanations.
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- Audio prompts for all of the test’s Listening Modules.
- Conversations and talks feature North American, British, and Australian accents, just like on the actual IELTS.
Audio prompts for all Listening Modules. - Sample speaking and writing responses.
Download Barron’s IELTS Practice Exams PDF & Audio
Barrons IELTS Practice Exams on Amazon
Also Check: IELTS Vocabulary Masterclass 8.5 by Marc Roche
Practice: Practice Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 1 with Answers
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