A Park You Visited And Liked Ielts Speaking Cue Card Topic

A Park You Visited and Liked IELTS Cue Card

A Park You Visited and Liked IELTS Cue Card

You Should Say:

  • Where it is?
  • How can you go there?
  • How frequently you go there?
  • What activities you can do there?
  • Why it is your favourite and why do you like it?

In this post, we delve into a sample speaking cue card response for the popular IELTS topic, “A park you visited and liked.” The IELTS speaking test presents candidates with a variety of topics to discuss, aiming to assess their ability to communicate effectively in English. One such topic is the discussion of memorable experiences at parks—an opportunity for candidates to showcase their vocabulary, fluency, and coherence.

In this simulated response, we illustrate how to craft a compelling narrative about a park visit, adhering to the structure and requirements of the IELTS speaking test. Join us as we explore an imaginary journey through the enchanting landscapes and vibrant atmosphere of a beloved park, all within the framework of the IELTS speaking cue card format.

A Park You Visited and Liked IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Today I’d like to tell you about a park that I frequently visit. It’s not too far from my house. Perhaps about 15-minute drive away if the roads are clear.

As for the last time I visited it, if I remember correctly, it was last week. I had to get in a quick workout, so I rode my motorbike to the park at around 2pm. When I arrived, I met a couple of friends who are kind of like my workout partners. ieltsxpress

This park is just perfect for working out because it has all the exercise equipment I need like bars and parallel bars. It’s also surrounded by trees and a wide variety of flowers that bloom in the summer months. It’s even pretty quiet too, so whenever I come here I just feel at ease and I guess you could call it my happy place.

The main reason I absolutely love visiting this park is of course because I do my workouts here. But actually, it’s not only that. I’ve also met some fantastic people here and we’ve even made our own team. I believe we’ll teach people how to do street workouts in the future and I certainly hope we’ll be doing that at this particular park.

IELTS Cue Card A Park You Visited and Liked

Urbanization has hit Indian cities at a frenzied pace. The cities are sprawling at an unfettered rate, and people from rural areas are flocking towards cities for better living. This has led to an area crisis where per capita free space in cities is diminishing day by day. The residential areas are proliferating, and free spaces are dwindling at an alarming rate. To make things worse, city life has become hectic and stressful, so people need ways to vent out their frustration. One such way is an open green space, something like a community park in a society. A huge green park in the middle of a society is a blessing in myriad ways.

There is one such park in our society, and I go there twice a week and witness how this public facility helps people to improve their life quality. But there is one particular day when I really had a great time in the park. That day I got up real early and decided to have a run in the park. After running for half an hour, I decided to take a break and sat on one of the benches which are set up near the boundaries of the park. Suddenly I heard a huge roar of so many people. ieltsxpress

When I turned towards the direction the sound was coming from, I saw a group of elderly people doing some sort of strange thing. Then I remembered that the aged people of our society have formed a laughter club and every morning one can hear a group of people laughing like crazy while standing in the park. This is called laughter therapy and has been proved highly beneficial for health scientifically. So I decided to join that group.

At first, they were a bit surprised to see a youngster among them because they were not used to having young children in their group. When I told them I want to try this therapy, they warmly welcomed me and apprised me of the method which they said is a kind of ritual of their group. I started following their every move and laughed and stopped whenever they did. An exercise which started just as an experiment ended up being one of the most satisfying experiences of my life. I never thought that a youngster could enjoy the company of old people so much.

After the routine, they invited me to have snacks with them. While having snacks, they shared their life experiences with me which were enlightening to say the least. They also asked me about my future plans and when I told them that I intend to become an engineer, one of the group members who had retired as an engineer talked to me at length about this field and that discussion dispelled so many doubts which I had previously.

Also Check: Describe a good law in your country & Cue Card Topic

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A Park You Visited And Liked Ielts Cue Card

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