Do Celebrities Like Actors And Athletes Deserve The Money They Earn Ieltsxpress

Do celebrities like actors and athletes deserve the money they earn?

Do celebrities like actors and athletes deserve the money they earn?


Improve your IELTS Writing & Speaking ideas for the topic of “Do celebrities like actors and athletes deserve the money they earn?”

The majority of students have been reported to suffer from a profound lack of ideas when they want to speak or write, which could prevent them from reaching their full potential. This series of posts has been written to address this problem through providing ideas about 100 controversial topics. These ideas will enable them to look at different issues from multiple perspectives and exploit what they have learnt in numerous other topics.

IELTS Writing & Speaking Topics Ideas

Here in this post we have covered the topic of ” Do celebrities like actors and athletes deserve the money they earn? ” for IELTS writing and speaking topics ideas.



Do celebrities like actors and athletes deserve the money they earn?


They endure a lot of inconveniences:

It is dangerous for them to make unscheduled appearances in public.

They have no privacy and are constantly in the public eye.

They are always followed by the paparazzi, who pry into their lives.

Their lives are stressful and they have no security.
What they offer is completely unnecessary. We could all live happily without professional soccer for example.
Many of them earn vast sums in foreign currency and the taxman can only be grateful for their massive annual contributions to the Treasury.Those who provide essential services (e.g. surgeons, who save people’s lives) are poorly-paid by comparison.
They have taken enormous risks and have worked extremely hard to get to the top.Why should they earn millions of dollars when there is so much poverty in the world?
As role models, they could have a positive influence on the public.Many of them lack real talent, and they have succeeded in spite of this.
They possess talents that others lack.They often set a bad example to the youth.

They exert undesirable influence in society.
They entertain millions of people.Personal profit is their sole motive and they never use their wealth and power to exert good influence.
Only the most talented among them will reach the top.They create fashions and their way of life and style of dress are considered as ideal.
A sports career lasts only a few years.Their salaries should be compatible with the wages/salaries most people earn.



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