Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 4
The Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 4 provides valuable practice for developing your IELTS Listening skills. This test features “Cycle tour leader: Applicant enquiry”, a discussion on job requirements and opportunities; “Visiting a Sheepmarket area”, exploring attractions and activities in a local destination; “Film adaptations”, analyzing the challenges of adapting books into movies; and “Noise in Cities”, addressing the effects and solutions for urban noise pollution.
Each section tests your ability to grasp details, follow conversations, and understand complex ideas. Answers are provided to support your preparation effectively.
Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 4 – Part 1
Section 1: Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Cycle tour leader: Applicant enquiry
Example: Name: Margaret Smith
About the applicant:
• Wants a (1)_____________ job
• Will soon start work as a (2)_____________
• Has led cycle trips in (3)_____________
• Interested in being a leader of a cycling trip for families
• Is currently doing voluntary work with members of a (4)_____________ club
• Available for five months from the 1st of (5)_____________
• Can’t eat (6)_____________
Contact details
• Address: 27 (7)_____________ Place, Dumfries
• Postcode: (8)_____________
• Interview at 2.30 pm on (9)_____________
• Will plan a short (10)_____________ about being a tour guide
Cambridge 12 Listening Test 4 – Part 2
Section 2: Questions 11-14
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
Visiting the Sheepmarket Area
11. Which is the most rapidly growing group of residents in the sheepmarket area?
A. young professional people
B. students from the university
C. employees in the local market
12. The speaker recommends the side streets in the sheepmarket for their
A. international restaurants
B. historical buildings
C. arts and crafts
13. Clothes designed by entrants for the Young Fashion competition must
A. be modelled by the designers themselves
B. be inspired by aspects of contemporary culture
C. be made from locally produced materials
14. Car parking is free in some car parks if you
A. stay for less than an hour
B. buy something in the shops
C. park in the evenings or at weekends
Questions 15-20
Label the map below. Write correct letter A-I next to questions 15-20.
15. the Reynolds House
16. the Thumb
17. the Museum
18. the Contemporary Art Gallery
19. the Warner Gallery
20. Nucleus
Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 4 – Section 3
Section 3: Questions 21-24
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Stages of presentation | Work still to be done |
Introduce Giannetti’s book containing a 21…………… of adaptations | Organise notes |
Ask class to suggest the 22……………. adaptations | No further work needed |
Present Rachel Malchow’s ideas | Prepare some 23…………… |
Discuss relationship between adaptations and 24………….. at the time of making the film | No further work needed |
Questions 25-30
What do the speakers say about each of the following films?
Choose SIX answers from below and write the correct letter A-G next to questions 25-30.
A clearly shows the historical period
B contains only parts of the play
C is too similar to another kind of film
D turned out to be unpopular with audiences
E presents the play in a different period from the original
F sets the original in a different country
G incorporates a variety of art forms
25. Ran
26. Much Ado About Nothing
27. Romeo and Juliet
28. Hamlet
29. Prospero’s Books
30. Looking for Richard
Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 4 – Section 4
Section 4: Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Noise in Cities
Past research focused on noise level (measured in decibels) and people’s responses.
Noise ‘maps’
• Show that the highest noise levels are usually found on roads
• Do not show other sources of noise e.g. when windows are open or people’s neighbours are in their (31)__________________
• Ignore variations in people’s perceptions of noise
• Have made people realize that the noise is a (32)__________________ issue that must be dealt with
Problems caused by noise
• Sleep disturbance
• Increase in amount of stress
• Effect on the (33)__________________ of school children
Different types of noise
Some noises can be considered pleasant e.g. the sound of a (34)__________________ in a town
To investigate this, researchers may use methods from (35)__________________ sciences
What people want
Plenty of activity in urban environments which are (36)_______________ but also allow people to relax
But architects and town planners
• Do not get much (37)_______________ in acoustics
• Regards sound as the responsibility of engineers
Understanding sound as an art form
We need to know
• How sound relates to (38)_______________
• What can be learnt from psychology about the effects of sound
• Whether physics can help us understand the (39)_______________ of sound
Virtual reality programs
• Advantage: predict the effect of buildings
• Current disadvantage: they are (40)_______________
Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 4 Answers
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1. temporary
2. doctor
3. africa
4. youth
5. May
6. cheese
7. Arbuthnot
8. DG74PH
9. tuesday
10. talk
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. H
16. C
17. F
18. G
19. I
20. B
21. classification
22. worst
23. slides
24. issues
25. F
26. A
27. E
28. C
29. G
30. B
31. gardens
32. political
33. work/ study
34. fountain
35. social
36. lively
37. training
38. culture
39. nature
40. silent
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