Enhance your IELTS test preparation with our comprehensive Synonyms Words List. This comprehensive list includes a vast array of words that can be used interchangeably in different contexts, allowing you to expand your vocabulary and improve your writing and speaking skills. By incorporating these words into your daily life, you can effectively improve your language abilities and increase your chances of scoring higher on the IELTS test. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply looking to improve your language skills, our IELTS Synonyms Words List is the perfect tool for you to achieve your goals and enhance your English proficiency.
Word | Synonym |
Abandon/Abort | to leave something |
Abode | place where you live |
Abroad | Overseas |
Abstraction | to deduct |
Accord | Agreement |
Acquit | to release |
Admit | Confess |
Adroit | Expert |
Adversity | difficulty |
Agility | quickness |
Agree | Consent |
Alike | Same |
Allow | Permit |
Allure | attract |
Alteration | change |
Ambience | environment |
Ambition | dreams |
Amiable | friendly |
Amicable | helpful |
Amount | Quantity |
Ample/Myriad of/Numerous | lots of |
Angry | Mad |
Annoy | to disturb someone |
Answer | Response |
Antique | old item |
Anxious | nervous |
Appreciation | to applaud one’s effort |
Ask | Inquire |
Assault | attack |
Assets | earnings |
Astonishing | surprising |
Attire | Dress |
Away | Absent |
Awful | Terrible |
Baby | Infant |
Beautiful | Pretty |
Becoming | Fitting |
Beg | Implore |
Begin | Commence |
Behoove | merit |
Belly | Stomach |
Benevolent/Magnanimous | kindhearted |
Berserk | gone mad |
Betray | to fraud someone |
Bias | Revoke |
Big | Large |
Bizarre | Weird |
Blank | Empty |
Blanket ban | complete ban on something |
Blossom | to grow |
Blot/Stigma | black spot (disgrace) |
Blunder | a very big mistake |
Brave | Bold |
Bread and butter | livelihood |
Broad | Wide |
Bruise | scratch |
Bucket | Pail |
Busy | Active |
Calamity | Disaster |
Candid | straight forward |
Candy | Sweets |
Center | Middle |
Change | Transform |
Chaos | noisy situation |
Charismatic | having magical powers |
Chatter box | excess talkative |
Chiefly | Mainly |
Choosy | Picky |
Close | Shut |
Collect | Gather |
Collision | collide |
Compassion | ready to serve |
Complete | Total |
Compress | to press |
Confine | Restrict |
Confuse | Mixed Up |
Congested | tight area |
Considerate | Thoughtful |
Constraint | limitation / compulsion |
Contemporary | modern |
Contrary | Opposite |
Correct | Right |
Couch potato | who watches lot of TV |
Counsel | advise |
Coy | shy |
Crumble | something breaks in small pieces |
Cunning | clever |
Curb | to control |
Curse | to bane someone |
Dash | Sprint |
Dawn | sun rise |
Daybreak | Dawn |
Dearth/Scarcity | lack of something |
Deceased | dead |
Dedicated | Committed |
Deliberate | Planned |
Delicate | Fragile |
Demeanor | behavior / character |
Descendent | next generation |
Desperate | fanatic/extremist |
Destiny | Fate |
Detain | punishment |
Deteriorate | something gets worse |
Dilemma | state of confusion |
Dire need | huge need for something |
Disclose | Reveal |
Discount | Reduction |
Disgrace | Shame |
Drab | dull |
Dusk | sun set |
Eager | Keen |
Elevate | Raise |
Elevate | lift |
Elite | most talented |
Elitist | choosy or selective |
Emphatically | forcefully |
Enormous | Huge |
Enquire | Investigate |
Entrepreneur | own businessman |
Envisage | imagine it’s true |
Envy | to have something same what others |
Epitome | best possible |
Escalate | increase |
Eternal | never ending |
Ethical | genuine |
Evaluate | Assess |
Evil | Bad |
Exactly | Precisely |
Exaggerate | over pound |
Except | Apart From |
Execute | to start |
Exemplary | extra ordinary |
Exempt | except that |
Exit | Leave |
Extempore | speak without rehearsal |
Extra | Additional |
Eye opener | show reality |
Face lift | to modify something |
Fair | Unbiased |
False | Untrue |
Famous | Renowned |
Fantastic | Great |
Far flung | very far away |
Fast | Quick |
Fatal | dangerous |
Fate | destiny |
Ferry | boat |
Fetch | to get |
Finish | Complete |
Fire | to throw out of job |
Flaw | mistake |
Flinches | demerit |
Flippant | excess talkative |
Fluke | bi-chance |
Forbid | to deny |
Formerly | Previously |
Fortunate | Lucky |
Fragile | week |
Freak | insane |
Fuddy-duddy | old fashioned |
Fun | Entertaining |
Function | Operate |
Funny | Amusing |
Garbage | Trash |
Gesture | actions we use while speaking |
Get | Receive |
Glad | Happy |
Glare | stare in an angry way |
Glimpse | a brief look |
Glitter | Sparkle |
Gloomy | hazy or blur |
Glossy | shiny |
Good | Fine |
Grab | Seize |
Grim | sounding very serious |
Grumble | Grouse |
Guilt | regret |
Gut feeling | inner voice |
Hall | Corridor |
Hallucination | mirage |
Halt | stop |
Handover | to give |
Handsome | Good Looking |
Happily | Fortunately |
Hard | Difficult |
Havoc | lots of trouble |
Hazard | Danger |
Help | Assist |
Hint | Tip |
Hire | to recruit |
Home sickness | person who can’t live away |
Hop | to jump a bit |
Huge | Enormous |
Humble | polite |
Humiliate | hit below the belt |
Hurry | Rush |
Hurt | Injure |
Idiot box | TV |
Ignore | Snub |
Ill | Sick |
Illusion | mirage |
Imitate | Mimic |
Imitate | to copy |
Immediate | Instantly |
Impact | Affect |
Impartial | Neutral |
Important | Significant |
Incarnation | birth |
Inconsiderate | Thoughtless |
Industrious | hard working |
Inevitable | unstoppable |
Infamous | Notorious |
Infect | Contaminate |
Informal | Casual |
Innocent | Harmless |
Inroads | affect |
Insomnia | sleeplessness |
Inspect | Examine |
Instinct | inner ability |
Instructions | Directions |
Insufficient | Inadequate |
Intellectual | Mental |
Intelligent | Smart |
Intend | Mean |
Intimate | inform |
Intrude | trespass |
Invade | attack |
Inventory | Stock |
Invincible | unconquerable |
Invoice | Bill |
Ire | anger |
Jaw dropper | stunned |
Jealous | Envious |
Job | Work |
Joy | Delight |
Kid | Child |
Kind | Benevolent |
Land slide victory or thumping victory | victory by huge margin |
Learn | Memorize |
Lethal | Deadly |
Lethargic | weak |
Liable | responsible |
Listen | Hear |
Little | Small |
Loiter | to roam around without aim |
Loo | toilet |
Lots | Many |
Loving | Fond |
Loyal | Faithful |
Loyal | who doesn’t back stab |
Lucid | Clear |
Lust | greed |
Mad | Crazy |
Maiden | something to do at first |
Maintain | Preserve |
Make | Build |
Malfunction | any failure in machinery |
Mansion | very big bungalow |
Mate | friend |
Maybe | Perhaps |
Meeting | Assembly |
Mentor | guide |
Mesmerize | hypnotize |
Mild | Gentle |
Miniature | very small |
Minnow/Nano | very small |
Miser | one who doesn’t spend much |
Misery | Distress |
Modern | Contemporary |
Moist | wet |
Movie | Film |
Mug up | to cram something |
Mum | be quiet |
Murals | huge paintings |
Native | Local |
Native | area in which one is born |
Nausea | sick feeling |
Near | Close |
Necessary | Essential |
Negligible | very small |
New | Recent |
Nice | Pleasant |
Niche | identity |
Noon | Midday |
Notify | Inform |
Nuisance | disturbance |
Numerous | Many |
Nurture | to develop something |
Obsession | desire to have something |
Odd | Strange |
Old | Mature |
Ornament | Decoration |
Ort | used |
Outgoing | Friendly |
Outraged | very upset |
Outskirts | city’s outer area |
Overlook | Miss |
Oversee | Supervise |
Overturned | upside down |
Overwhelmed | very happy with something |
Part | Section |
Particular | Specific |
Passion | hunger to achieve something |
Patriotic | one who loves his nation |
Peal | to remove the skin of a fruit or vegetable |
Perception | Insight |
Perfect | Flawless |
Pinnacle | at the top |
Pluck | to break something |
Plume | soft |
Plunge | to fall |
Podium | lecture stand |
Possess | own |
Possibility | Opportunity |
Posture | way/position of body |
Praise | Compliment |
Premises | area |
Prestigious | very important |
Prevail | which remains |
Prodding | encourage |
Provide | Supply |
Quake | Tremble |
Quite | Fairly |
Raise | Lift |
Real | Genuine |
Receive | Get |
Regret | Remorse |
Rejuvenate | refresh |
Reliable | Dependable |
Reliant | dependent |
Reluctant | hesitant |
Remark | Comment |
Renew | Resume |
Resilient | to resist |
Respond | Reply |
Rest | Relax |
Retrieve | to take back |
Retrograde | moving backwards |
Rich | Wealthy |
Robust | strong |
Rock | Stone |
Rookies | less experienced |
Roster | schedule |
Rude | Impolite |
Sack | big bag |
Sacked | to throw out |
Sad | Unhappy |
Safe | Secure |
Scared | Afraid |
Scribble | to write fast |
See | Look |
Select | Choose |
Sheer | very high amount of something |
Shiver | tremble |
Shrine | holy place |
Sightseeing | to explore places |
Significant | Meaningful |
Simultaneously | together |
Sincere | Honest |
Skeptical | doubtful |
Sleepy | Drowsy |
Slim | Sender |
Souvenir | memento |
Specimen | example |
Spend thrift | who spends lot of money |
Spill | for liquid |
Steady | Firm |
Stiff | firm/hard |
Stoic | patient |
Stop | Cease |
Straits | bankrupt |
Strangle | stuck somewhere |
Stroll/wander | to roam around |
Subtle | little |
Suggest | Propose |
Sure | Certain |
Surge | powerful rush of something |
Sustain | to remain |
Swift | fast and smooth |
Symbolize | Represent |
Talk | Speak |
Tandem | work together |
Tap | to stroke something |
Tavern | pub |
Temper | Mood |
Temper | mental state |
Temporary | Transitory |
Tender | soft |
Tenets | on rent |
Think | Ponder |
Timid | nervous |
Tiny | Small |
Tragic | something very wrong happened |
Tranquility | mental peace |
Transform | Convert |
Trivial | unimportant |
Trustworthy | Reliable |
Try | Attempt |
Uncommon | Unusual |
Uncooked | Raw |
Under | Below |
Unfortunate | Unlucky |
Use | Utilize |
Usually | Generally |
Vague | Indistinct |
Vanquish | Conquer |
Vary | Differ |
Vast | Huge |
Vendor | who sells commodities |
Verdict | result |
Versatile | all rounder |
Viable/feasible | possible |
Vibes | signals |
Violent | forceful |
Voluntary | willingly |
Waiver | to cut off |
Want | Desire |
Wardrobe | cupboard |
Weak | Feeble |
Wisecrack | joke |
Withstand | Resist |
Yell | Shout |
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