You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26 which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.
A natural choice for powering the family home
In the past, urban homeowners have not always had much choice in the way electricity is supplied to their homes. Now, however, there is a choice, and a rapidly increasing number of households worldwide are choosing the solar energy option. Solar energy, the conversion of sunlight into energy, is made possible through the use of ‘photovoltaics’, which are simple appliances that fit onto the roof of a house.
The photovoltaics-powered home remains connected to the power lines, but no storage is required on-site, only a box of electronics (the inverter) to the interface between the photovoltaics and the grid network. Figure 1 illustrates the system. During the day, when the home may not be using much electricity, excess power from the solar array is fed back to the grid, to factories and offices that need daytime power. At night, power flows the opposite way. The grid network effectively provides storage. If the demand for electricity is well matched to when the sun shines, solar energy is especially valuable. This occurs in places like California in the US and Japan, where air-conditioning loads for offices and factories are large but heating loads for homes are small.
The first systematic exploration of the use of photovoltaics on homes began in the US during the 1970s. A well-conceived program started with the sitting of a number of residential experiment stations’ at selected locations around the country, representing different climatic zones. These stations contained a number of ‘dummy’ houses, each with different solar-energy system design. Homes within the communities close to these stations were monitored to see how well their energy use matched the energy generated by the stations’ dummy roofs. A change in US government priorities in the early 1980s halted this program.
With the US effort dropping away, the Japanese Sunshine Project came to the fore. A large residential test station was installed on Rokko Island beginning in 1986. This installation consists of 18 ‘dummy’ homes. Each equipped with its own 2-5 kilowatt photovoltaic system (about 20 – 50 square meters for each system). Some of these simulated homes have their own electrical appliances inside, such as TV sets, refrigerators and air conditioning units, which switch on and off under computer control providing a lavish lifestyle for the non-existent occupants. For the other systems, electronics simulate these household loads. This test station has allowed being explored in a systematic way, under well-controlled test conditions. With no insurmountable problems identified, the Japanese have used the experience gained from this station to begin their own massive residential photovoltaics campaign. IELTSXpress
Meanwhile, Germany began a very important ‘1,000 roof program’ in 1990, aimed at installing photovoltaics on the roofs of 1,000 private homes. Large federal and regional government subsidies were involved, accounting in most cases for 70% of the total system costs. The program proved immensely popular, forcing its extension to over 2,000 homes scattered across Germany. The success of this program stimulated other European countries to launch a similar program.
Japan’s ‘one million roof program’ was prompted by the experience gained in the Rokko Island test site and the success of the German 1,000 roof program. The initially quoted aims of the Japanese New Energy Development Organization were to have 70,000 homes equipped with the photovoltaics by the year 2000, on the way to 1 million by 2010. The program made a modest start in 1994 when 539 systems were installed with a government subsidy of 50 percent. Under this program, entire new suburban developments are using photovoltaics.
This is good news, not only for the photovoltaic industry but for everyone concerned with the environment. The use of fossil fuels to generate electricity is not only costly in financial terms, but also in terms of environmental damage. Gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels in the production of electricity are a major contributor to the greenhouse effect. To deal with this problem, many governments are now proposing stringent targets on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions permitted. These targets mean that all sources of greenhouse gas emissions including residential electricity use will receive closer attention in the future.
It is likely that in the future, governments will develop building codes that attempt to constrain the energy demands of new housing. For example, the use of photovoltaics or the equivalent may be stipulated to lessen demands on the grid network and hence reduce fossil fuel emissions. Approvals for building renovations may also be conditional upon taking such energy-saving measures. If this were to happen, everyone would benefit. Although there is an initial cost in attaching the system to the rooftop, the householder’s outlay is soon compensated with the savings on energy bills. In addition, everyone living on the planet stands to gain from the more benign environmental impact.
Residential use of photovoltaics – by day excess power is sent to the grid, and by night power is supplied to the home.
Questions 14-19
The Reading Passage 2 has nine paragraphs A-H
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-H, in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
14 examples of countries where electricity use is greater during the day than at night
15 a detailed description of an experiment that led to photovoltaics being promoted throughout the country
16 the negative effects of using conventional means of generating electricity
17 an explanation of the photovoltaic system.
18 the long-term benefits of using photovoltaics
19 a reference to wealthy countries being prepared to help less wealthy countries have access to photovoltaics
Questions 20-26
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?
In boxes 20-26 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
20 Photovoltaics are used to store electricity.
21 Since the 1970s, the US government has provided continuous support for the use of photovoltaics on homes.
22 The solar-powered house on Rokko Island is uninhabited.
23 In 1994, the Japanese government was providing half the money required for installing photovoltaics on homes.
24 Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Australia all have strict goals with regard to greenhouse gas emissions.
25 Residential electricity use is the major source of greenhouse gas emission.
26 Energy-saving measures must now be included in the design of all new homes and improvements to buildings.
14. B
15. D
16. H
17. B
18. I
19. E
22. TRUE
23. TRUE
14. examples of countries where electricity use is greater during the day than at night
Answer: B
Supporting Sentence: During the day, when the home may not be using much electricity, excess power from the solar array is fed back to the grid, to factories and offices that need daytime power. This occurs in places like California in the US and Japan, where air-conditioning loads for offices and factories are large but heating loads for homes are small.
Keyword: day, electricity
Keyword Location: Section B, 4th Line
Explanation: As the supporting sentence is talking about the examples of countries like California in the US and Japan, where air-conditioning loads for offices and factories are large but heating loads for homes are small. The given information matches with Section B.
15. a detailed description of an experiment that led to photovoltaics being promoted throughout the country
Answer: D
Supporting Sentence: This test station has allowed being explored in a systematic way, under well-controlled test conditions. With no insurmountable problems identified, the Japanese have used the experience gained from this station to begin their own massive residential photovoltaics campaign.
Keyword: photovoltaics, residential, country
Keyword Location: Section D, Last Line
Explanation: As from the supporting Sentence we can say that the description of the experiment is given in the Section D which matches with Information given in the statement. So, The given information matches Section D.
16. the negative effects of using conventional means of generating electricity
Answer: H
Supporting Sentence: For example, the use of photovoltaics or the equivalent may be stipulated to lessen demands on the grid network and hence reduce fossil fuel emissions.
Keyword: lessen demand, negative effect, conventional, grid network
Keyword Location: Section H, 2nd Line
Explanation: Fossil Fuel emission is the negative effect of using conventional means of generating electricity. Hence, Section H supports the information given in the statement.
17. an explanation of the photovoltaic system.
Answer: B
Supporting Sentence: The photovoltaic-powered home remains connected to the power lines, but no storage is required on-site, only a box of electronics (the inverter) to the interface between the photovoltaics and the grid network.
Keyword: explanation
Keyword Location: Section B, 1st Line
Explanation: We can easily find the explanation of the photovoltaic system in Section B. As it talks about the details related to the technical aspects of it. It has been stated that the photovoltaics powered-home always stays connected to the power lines. There is no requirement of storage but only the electric box.
18. the long-term benefits of using photovoltaics
Answer: H
Supporting Sentence: It is likely that in the future, governments will develop building codes that attempt to constrain the energy demands of new housing.
Keyword: future, long term
Keyword Location: Section H, 1st Line
Explanation: In the supporting sentence, we have written about the future scenario of the usage of photovoltaics which clearly matches with the information given in the statement with Section H.
19. a reference to wealthy countries being prepared to help less wealthy countries have access to photovoltaics
Answer: E
Supporting Sentence: Meanwhile, Germany began a very important ‘1,000 roof program’ in 1990, aimed at installing photovoltaics on the roofs of 1,000 private homes. The success of this program stimulated other European countries to launch a similar program.
Keyword: roof program, private homes IELTSX press
Keyword Location: Section E, 1st Line
Explanation: Wealthy countries like Germany being prepared through the success of their program to help other European countries to launch similar programs.
20. Photovoltaics are used to store electricity.
Answer: FALSE
Supporting Sentence: The photovoltaics-powered home remains connected to the power lines, but no storage is required on-site, only a box of electronics (the inverter) to the interface between the photovoltaics and the grid network.
Keyword: Storage, electricity
Keyword Location: Section B, 1st Line
Explanation: During the day, when the home may not be using much electricity, excess power from the solar array is fed back to the grid, to factories and offices that need daytime power. At night, power flows the opposite way. So, from this we can say that Photovoltaics are not used to store electricity, these are used to remain connected to power lines. So, the statement is FALSE. IELTSX XPRESS
21. Since the 1970s, the US government has provided continuous support for the use of photovoltaics on homes.
Answer: FALSE
Supporting Sentence: A change in US government priorities in the early 1980s halted this program.
Keyword: US government
Keyword Location: Section C, Last Line
Explanation: As the change in US government priorities in the early 1980s halted the photovoltaic program, the statement is false that the US government has provided continuous support for the use of photovoltaics on homes. So, the statement is FALSE.
22. The solar-powered house on Rokko Island is uninhabited.
Answer: TRUE
Supporting Sentence: A large residential test station was installed on Rokko Island beginning in 1986. This installation consists of 18 ‘dummy’ homes.
Keyword: uninhabited, dummy homes, Rokko Island
Keyword Location: Section D, 3rd Line
Explanation: As in Section C, there is written that the installation of the test station in Rokho consists of 18 ‘dummy’ homes which concludes that the houses were uninhabited. Hence, the statement is TRUE.
23. In 1994, the Japanese government was providing half the money required for installing photovoltaics on homes.
Answer: TRUE
Supporting Sentence: The program made a modest start in 1994 when 539 systems were installed with a government subsidy of 50 percent.
Keyword: 50 Percent, Half the money, 1994
Keyword Location: Section F, 3rd Line
Explanation: As in the line in the section F clearly says about the government subsidy of 50 percent which exactly matched with the statement. So, this statement is TRUE.
24. Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Australia all have strict goals with regard to greenhouse gas emissions.
Explanation: There is no information given related to Italy, the Netherlands and Australia. Hence, the statement is NOT GIVEN in any of the sections.
25. Residential electricity use is the major source of greenhouse gas emission.
Explanation: As there is no information related to use of greenhouse gas emission in the present scenario in the section. The statement is NOT GIVEN.
26. Energy-saving measures must now be included in the design of all new homes and improvements to buildings.
Answer: FALSE
Supporting Sentence: Although there is an initial cost in attaching the system to the rooftop, the householder’s outlay is soon compensated with the savings on energy bills.
Keyword: Energy Saving
Keyword Location: Section H, Last Line
Explanation: As the householder’s outlay is compensated with the savings on energy bills, the energy-saving measures cannot be included in the design of all new homes and improvements to buildings. So, the given statement is FALSE.
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