Recent IELTS Exam 7 July 2022

Recent IELTS Exam 7 July 2022 India Question Answers

Recent IELTS Exam 7 July 2022 India

7 July 2022, India, Morning Slot Listening

Part 1: Telephonic Conversation between two speakers


Part 2: Social Conversation

Selection of Letters

Part 3: Academic Discussion between two students

Match The Information

Part 4: Monologue


7 July 2022, India, Morning Slot Reading

Reading Passage 1:

True/False/Not Given

Reading Passage 2:

Match The Information

Reading Passage 3:  

Selection of Letters
True/False/Not Given

Morning Slot Writing Task 1, 7th July 2022, India

Bar + Pie Chart

In June 1996, an experimental flu vaccine was trialed in a large country town on females only. The result of this survey is presented in the following illustration.

an experimental flu vaccine deaths from flu ieltsxpress

  an experimental flu vaccine female recipients of new vaccine groups most at risk ieltsxpress


Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Morning Slot Writing Task 2, 7th July 2022, India

Some people say that industrial growth is necessary to solve poverty, but some other people argue that industrial growth is creating environmental problems and it should be stopped. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

7 July 2022, India, Evening Slot Listening

Part 1: Telephonic Conversation between two speakers


Part 2: Social Conversation

Match The Information

Part 3: Academic Discussion between two students

Match The Information

Part 4: Monologue


7 July 2022, India, Evening Slot Reading

Reading Passage 1:

True/False/Not Given

Reading Passage 2:

Match The Information

Reading Passage 3:  

Selection of Letters
Yes/No/Not Given

Evening Slot Writing Task 1, 7th July 2022, India

Bar + Line Chart

Evening Slot Writing Task 2, 7th July 2022, India

Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while other thinks that it is essential for the human kind to continue to explore the universe in which we live. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Other Locations:

Some scientists think that there are intelligent life forms on other planets and messages should be sent to contact them while other scientists think that is a bad idea and it would be dangerous. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.

Also Check: Recent IELTS Exam 25 June 2022 India Question Answers

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Recent IELTS Exam 7 July 2022 India Question Answers

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