Recent IELTS Exam Questions Uzbekistan October 2021

Recent IELTS Test Uzbekistan October 2021

Recent IELTS Test Uzbekistan October 2021

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Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDP 1st October 2021


Part 1

  • Tell me about your the city where you have grown up;
  • Is it a good place for children to grow up?
  • What do your remember most about your hometown?
  • Have there been any changes since your childhood?
  • What kind of TV programs do you like to watch?
  • What kind of TV programs do the people in your country like to watch?
  • What kind of TV programs did you watch in your childhood?
  • What is the weather like in your country?
  • What kind of weather do you prefer
  • Why do people like to have sunny days?
  • Would you like to live in a place where the weather is different from your country?
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Part 2

Describe a teacher in your primary/secondary school that you have most memories You should say

  • what subject the teacher taught you
  • how old you were then
  • what were some special characteristics of this teacher

and explain why you remember this teacher.

Part 3

  • Why do children like to remember some techers and forget about others?
  • Why do people like to remember about teachers they had in the past?
  • Do you often remember your teachers at school? Why?
  • Is keeping touch with your classmates the best way to remember the teachers?
  • What kinds of things make people remember about their past?
  • Have you visited your school since your graduation?
  • How do you feel when you remember about your primary school time?

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDP 1st October 2021


Part 1

  • About my hometown
  • Apps
  • Countryside
  • Watching TV

Part 2

Describe a bike/ motorbike/ car trip you would like to have. You should say:

  • where you would like to go
  • how you would like to go there
  • who you would like to go with

and explain why you would like to go there by bike/ motorbike or car.

Part 3

  • What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?
  • In countryside, what kind of transportation people often use?
  • Nowadays, why people buy a new car every year?
  • Are motorbikes popular in your country?
  • Riding a bike and walking is important ?

Recent IELTS Exam Uzbekistan British Council 4th October 2021


Part 1

  • Hometown
  • Do you want to live in the countryside in the future
  • About pets
  • About apps

Part 2

Describe something you want to learn about. You should say:

  • what is it
  • how did you know about it
  • what you feel about it

Part 3

  • Learning new things;
  • How/why is it important;
  • Do government provide opportunities for learning for older people.

Recent IELTS Exam Uzbekistan IDP 6th October 2021


Part 1

  • Hometown
  • Pets
  • Public Gardens and Park

Part 2

Describe a time you moved to a new home/school. You should say

  • When you moved?
  • Why you moved?
  • Where you moved?

How you felt about it?

Also Check: Recent IELTS Test Uzbekistan September 2021

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Recent IELTS Test Uzbekistan October 2021

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