To Submit A Paper For The Architecture Conference Listening

To Submit a Paper for the Architecture Conference Listening

To Submit a Paper for the Architecture Conference IELTS Listening Test with Answers

Part 3

To Submit a Paper for the Architecture Conference

Find details of conference themes on 21 ___________

Ielts Reading Sample Tests

Check rules for submission, e.g. 22 ___________ of paper.

Ielts Reading Sample Tests

Write paper on 23 ___________ work.

Ielts Reading Sample Tests

Check any data is in a suitable 24 ___________

Ielts Reading Sample Tests

Hand in paper to the 25 ___________ for checking.

Ielts Reading Sample Tests

Make any necessary 26 ___________ , then submit paper.

Ielts Reading Sample Tests

If accepted, send in details of your 27___________ requirements.

Ielts Reading Sample Tests

Send conference organizers a personal profile for the 28 ___________

Questions 29—30
Choose TWO letters, A — E.

Which TWO things does Kirsten plan to do to prepare her conference paper?

A read another student’s thesis
B collect more data
C talk to some postgraduates
D contact a Professor at another university
E inspect a building site

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To Submit a Paper for the Architecture Conference IELTS Listening Answers

21. Website/Internet

22. Length

23. Current

24. Format

25. Officer

26. Revisions

27. Technical

28. Brochure

29. B

30. E

To Submit a Paper for the Architecture Conference IELTS Listening Transcript

You will hear to students Rymill and Kirsten discussing presenting a paper at an architecture conference. You now have thirty seconds to read questions twenty one to twenty eight.

Speaker 1: Hi Kirsten have you heard about that architecture conference in Oxford at the end of the year.

Speaker 2: Yeah I saw the leaflet on the notice board as it’s my final year I ought to try giving a paper but I’ve got no idea how to go about it.

Speaker 1: I think you should go for it. I did one last year. It’s quite straightforward. First of all, you need to see what conference themes are, you know, what topics they are covering. You can do that by looking it up on Q21 the website. You need to submit a paper that falls into one of the categories they give you.

Speaker 2: That may give me some ideas.

Speaker 1: Then while you’re doing that you should also have a look at the information on how to submit your paper, the rules if you like, such as Q22 the length. It’s important to follow those.

Speaker 2: I see, and then I suppose the next stage is to start writing it up. I’d like to use it as an opportunity to propose some future work, but I understand it must be based on Q23 current work. Still there’s plenty to choose from. It makes sense to do something that I’m more familiar with.

Speaker 1: yes and the other thing is when you’ve written it up then go back and look at your data carefully and make certain that you’ve presented in a Q24 format that is standard for your subject. Remember people have to absorb information very quickly while the listening don’t make it too complicated.

Speaker 2: Okay well I reckon that’ll take me about a month to get that sorted then the next thing I have to do I guess before I send it off to the conference organizer is give the whole thing to the Q25 event officer so that he can look through it and see if it all makes sense and is okay.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Remember to warn him that it’s en route so he can fit it into his schedule and then you’re done really. All you have to do after that is to go through it and sort out any Q26 changes you need to make, and then finally you can submit it. You can do that online.

Speaker 2: Then I just wait to hear, I suppose. How long does that take?

Speaker 1: Uhm, it depends but usually about six weeks, but when you hear if your paper has been accepted, then at that stage it’s worth giving them a list of any Q27 technical things you need when you actually give the talk. A screen or video play is all that sort of thing.

Speaker 2: Okay but that’s a long way off. And I know that if my paper is accepted then at that stage I have to give them a short text about myself and my academic background so they can put it in the Q28 brochure, famous at last.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

You now have fifteen seconds to read questions twenty nine to thirty.

Speaker 2: Right well I’ve got to get a couple of things sorted if I’m going to get this paper completed.

Speaker 1: Have you got enough data?

Speaker 2: Possibly I’d like to reinforce some of it though Q29 so I thought I’d send out some more questionnaires I was looking at that thesis Angela wrote last year and she said you need a sample of over a hundred to be sure of your results.

Speaker 1: I think some of this year’s post graduate so doing some of the same stuff as you on buildings why don’t you talk to them?

Speaker 2: End up getting confused. It would be more useful for me to actually go out to that side by the rail bridge to see how they’re building the new factory. Q30 I managed to get hold of Professor Barnett at London University and he said I should go out and take pictures I’m pretty busy but I’ll have to make time. Anyway what about you what do your.


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