Do the Advantages of Peer Pressure outweigh the Disadvantages IELTS Essay
Young people are often influenced by others of the same age in their behavior and circumstances. This is called “peer pressure”. Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.
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Young people are often influenced by others of the same age in their behavior and circumstances IELTS Essay – Model Answer 1
It is undoubted that there are a lot of arguments about the effect of “peer pressure” on youngsters. From my perspective, this phenomenon can lead to both benefits and drawbacks.
On the one hand, young generations’ being affected by others can bring out some obvious advantages. First, “peer pressure” is (more) likely to help the youngsters (to) effortlessly blend into the new community and alleviate the gravity of social isolation due to/thanks to some similar characteristics and hobbies. Moreover, “peer pressure” can make a valuable contribution to boosting the cooperation and solidarity among students in the learning process through teamwork and discussions. Finally, the young try their best to not only improve themselves but also to achieve ambition. In this way, their determination is emphasized.
On the other hand, “peer pressure” also results in some adverse demerits. There is no denying of that the omnipresence of this circumstance would make the young people become more envious and allocate their time and money to keep up with their friends. Some girl students, for instance, squander their tuition on buying a first-class handbag like the one their friends have. Furthermore, it is certainly true that youngsters are bound to find it hard to express their distinction and creativity when they are in a group in which everyone is the same because of being afraid of boycott and abomination.
In conclusion, it seems to me that peer pressure can lead to some significant merits to the young besides (some) inevitable setbacks. As a result, young people should know the best ways to take advantage of this phenomenon.
Peer Pressure IELTS Essay – Model Answer 2
‘No man is an island’ – goes the adage. We are all surrounded by others – our peers – people our age who have experiences and interests similar to ours. We make dozens of decisions every day and are influenced by each other’s choices and behaviors. Similarly, young people are influenced by peers because they want to fit in, be like peers they admire, do what others are doing, or have what others have. No one is immune to peer pressure. Peer pressure can be both, positive as well as negative but mostly it is positive.
On the positive side, peers set plenty of good examples for each other. If peers are committed doing well in school or doing their best in a sport then they can influence those around them to be more goal-oriented, too. Secondly, peers who are kind and loyal can influence others to build these qualities in themselves. What is more, peers can help each other make decisions such as what courses to take and even how to handle a family argument. Peers often give each other good advice. Peers might get each other involved in clubs, sports, or religious groups. One’s world would be far less rich without peers to encourage or to offer moral support when one needs it most.
On the negative side sometimes, peers may pressurize each other into doing something wrong, such as shoplifting, taking drugs or drinking or taking dangerous risks when driving a car. Nearly everyone ends up in a sticky peer pressure situation at some point. Young people are going through a lot of stress in their life as it is the time when the most crucial decisions of life have to be taken such as pursuing a career or choosing a life partner. It is very easy at such times to succumb to negative peer pressure.
Responding to peer pressure is part of human nature — but some people are more likely to give in, and others are better able to resist and stand their ground. I firmly believe that the stress of resisting unhealthy peer pressure can be buffered by good family relationships and high self-esteem. So, the onus falls on the parents to give a stable family atmosphere and talk to their children about peer pressure. Explain what a powerful force it can be, and tell them that the excuse that “Everyone did it” will never be accepted and that they will be held responsible for their actions. ieltsxpress
In conclusion, I believe that peer pressure is inevitable and it can be positive as well as negative. However, if parents teach their children how to handle negative peer pressure, it can be largely positive.
Peer Pressure Advantages and Disadvantages IELTS Essay – Model Answer 3
Nowadays, peer pressure is a hot topic in people’s daily life. Some people think that the only way to change young people better is influenced by other’s behaviors and situations, while others believe that it isn’t a wise choice. Before rending my opinion, I think it is important to take a glance at both sides.
The first point to note is that young people should restrain themselves from other’s behaviors and situations. In that way, young people can perform better in their daily lives Because the first step to success is making friends with people who are well conducted. The friends who have good manners can choose the correct way for us, it can help us to build good behaviors.
In addition to this, peer pressure has a positive effect on teenagers; it is a good way to participate in a new circle of friends quickly. That is to say, teenagers can be accepted by new friends. Why does this happen? Some teenagers who lack self-confidence or have no reliable friends are afraid of pushing out by their friends, so they give up doing themselves to obey others. However, too much peer pressure is bad for teenagers; they have to do things which they are disliked.
On the negative side, it is an undeniable fact that peer pressure has an opposite effect on youngsters, since the dangerous ideas may swallow the problem youngsters. Some youngsters will use extreme methods, in order to defeat the classmates who are better than themselves. Therefore, the problem youngsters will be influenced. For example, a student killed his roommates because of his grades.
Based on the facts outline above, one can understand that the negative side of peer pressure is bound to be a curse for the problem youngsters, even though the problem student will use extreme methods to defeat others. Anyway, I can’t imagine what the world will become if peer pressure disappears.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Peer pressure IELTS essay – Model Answer 3
People are seen as polarized when discussing the peer group influence among young people. Admitting the factor that peers’ presence is very crucial in normal growth and development, I feel it can be qualified only based on situations.
On the one hand, when appropriate supervision is ensured, peer pressure tends to act positively on the young population. It can be seen students at schools and at intermediates performing better in their academics, sports and cultural activities simply because of the factor: peer pressure. Similarly, when the peers have good morals and character, and when the members are long-time acquaintances which are known by the parents and elders of the locality, this influence tends to be more positive. Above all, it should be understood that a good peer group influence is cardinal in the normal developmental span of a youngster to advance to his next stage of life and make them good social beings.
On the other hand, when peers are not supervised or given absolute freedom, negative consequences might mushroom. To be precise, the young population is the easiest target of the anti-social elements in any society. Targeting just one member of the peer group is more than enough for them to bring the whole group under their influence. It can be seen that when an inquiry is made on the root cause of illegal activity or a bad habit such as smoking, the most likely cause is peer pressure. Another vulnerable factor is the attitude of the young. They are agile, aggressive, and are more likely to experiment with risk elements. Peer pressure acts as a catalyst to this behavior and this eventually ends up in catastrophes.
To recapitulate, even though there are divided sections in the society who favour peer influence either more or less among the youth, I would say it depends on the circumstances.
Young people are often influenced by their peers IELTS Essay – Model Answer 4
It is widely accepted that a teenager’s personality is more related to that of his peers than to his parents or teachers. In my opinion, this is an accurate proposition because at this age people spend more time and develop more intimate relationships with their friends.
At a young age, people tend to spend most of their time with friends and colleagues – for leisure, academic or work-related activities. Therefore, they are constantly exposed to certain modes of thinking adopted by people they are surrounded by. According to neuroscientists, this helps in creating neuron associations with regards to certain beliefs that teenagers then accept as their own. In fact, life coaches, like Tony Robbins, have stressed the fact that in order for us to change we need to change the people we hang out with. In addition, the time spent with friends creates peer pressure, which encourages people to adjust their beliefs to “fit in” in their social groups.
Furthermore, teenagers often develop a closer relationship with others of similar age or status. First, they are able to relate to these people who are under similar circumstances. They do not feel intimidated by them and hence they are willing to accept their views. Second, they feel the need to maintain close bonds with those in their social realm. Therefore, they exert additional effort to understand their friends’ mentality, which strengthens their friendship and hence their influence towards one another.
In short, on grounds of the time spent with friends and the close relationship developed, I can confidently say that teenagers are more influenced by their friends than by their parents and teachers.
Young people are often influenced by others IELTS Essay – Model Answer 5
We are all surrounded by our peers, people our age who have experiences and interests similar to ours. we make dozens of decisions every day and are influenced by each other’s choices and behaviours. Similarly, young people are influenced by peers because they want to fit in, be like peers they admire, do what others are doin8, or have what others have. No one is immune to peer pressure. peer pressure can be both, positive as well as negative. Pressure has the power to create a diamond, but it has to be the “right” pressure.
There are many advantages of peer pressure if the peers are good. Good peers set plenty of good examples for each other. If peers are committed to doing well in school, or doing their best in a sport then they can influence those around them to be more goal-oriented, too. Secondly, peers who are kind and loyal can influence others to build these qualities in themselves. What is more, peers can help each other make decisions, such as what courses to take and even how to handle a family argument. peers often give each other good advice. Peers might get each other involved in clubs, sports, or religious groups. One,s world would be far less rich without peers to encourage or to offer moral support when one needs it most.
On the other hand, bad peers may pressurize each other into doing something wrong such as shoplifting, taking drugs or drinking or taking dangerous risks when driving a car. Nearly everyone ends up in a sticky peer pressure situation at some point. Young people are going through a lot of stress in their life, as it is the time when the most crucial decisions of life have to be taken such as pursuing a career or choosing a life partner. lt is very easy at such times to succumb to negative peer pressure.
Responding to peer pressure is part of human nature – but some people are more likely to give in, and others are better able to resist and stand their ground. I firmly believe that the stress of resisting unhealthy peer pressure can be buffered by good family relationships and high self-esteem. So, the onus falls on the parents to give a stable family atmosphere and talk to their children about peer pressure. Explain what a powerful force it can be, and tell them that the excuse that “everyone did it” will never be accepted and they will be held responsible for their actions.
To summarise, peer pressure is inevitable and it can be positive as well as negative. However, if parents teach their children how to handle negative peer pressure, it can be largely positive. ieltsxpress
Peer Pressure in Young People IELTS Essay – Model Answer 6
It is undeniable that young people are encouraged by their friends, parents and teachers, but they are more susceptible to the influence of friends because of their similar age and understanding. This phenomenon has both pros and cons, which I will discuss in this next essay.
There are many benefits to this influence. For starters, the knowledge and experience that they receive from each other’s companies. To explain this in more detail, I would say that every child needs someone with whom he can share his happiness and sorrows, and if they are their friends, it is more convenient for them to share anything. they like each other, have good communication skills and leadership qualities, and this helps them overcome many difficulties in their lives.
Despite the many benefits of peer pressure, it also has some limitations. Let’s start by adopting bad habits: if any young child is influenced by a person of his age who smokes and drinks, he may also be involved in this bad habit. In addition, the enthusiasm of wealthy people also creates inequalities in a person’s life. For example, if young people are encouraged by wealthy people, they may demand expensive gifts from their parents that they could not afford.
To conclude and give my opinion, I would say that reward always provides a platform for doing something challenging and interesting, and as with this, having young people positively follow others will help them grow better.
Ideas for Young People Peer Pressure IELTS Essay
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