Driving School IELTS Listening Test Company Outsourcing

Driving School IELTS Listening Company Outsourcing

Driving School IELTS Listening Test 24 | Mount Rushmore | Company Outsourcing

Part 1

Questions 1-10
Complete the form below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Driving school

Example Answer
Looking for driving lessons given during the: weekends
Address: 1 ________ Road
Drive: the city center
2 ________  above the city
Teacher’s name: Allen 3 ________
Popular type of car on roads: 4 ________
Best time to take lessons: practice during the 5 ________
Safety driving depends on: good 6 ________
Obtain: a driving 7 ________
Final test fee: $ 8 ________
Duration of test: approximately 9 ________ minutes
More advice: keep a driving 10 ________

Part 2

Questions 11-15
Complete the sentences below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Mount Rushmore

The government finally paid $ 11 _________  to complete the heads of four United States Presidents.
The purpose of the construction of the president’s heads is to develop 12 _________
The carvings face 13 _________ to experience maximum exposure to sunlight.
In 1885, the mountain was renamed after a 14 _________
It took 15 _________ years to finish the project.

Questions 16 -20
Label the map below.
Write the correct letter, A-E, next to questions 16-20.

Mount Rushmore shelter ielts listening

16 information centre
17 refreshment centre
18 gift shop
19 workshop
20 visitor centre

Part 3

Questions 21-25
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

21 Why does the student want to study Tourism?

A good future
B good pay
C parents’ will

22 What kind of skill will the student gain in the course?

A time-management
B financial planning
C note-taking

23 The student has the ability of

A independence.
B communication
C coping well with statistics.

24 The teacher believes that the industry of tourism is

A shrinking
B seeing a bright future.
C growing popular.

25 How does the student compare the university course with polytechnics?

A There are summer schools.
B The course is structured in modules.
C The price is reasonable.

Questions 26-30
What feature do the speakers identify for each of the following courses?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letters, A-G, next to questions 26-30.


A limited value
B useful
C relevant to career
D flexible admission
E intensive
F improving leadership
G self-control and time management


26 Travel and Business
27 Japanese
28 Medical Care
29 Computer
30 Public Relations

Part 4

Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Company Outsourcing

Case study – TCP Technologies:

• Manager: Manjeet Khanna
• Main target: to create a 31_________ environment

Grading for staff:

• Every month grades are published on an 32_________
• The cultural openness increased the quantity of incoming contracted opportunities.
• The cultural openness improved the level of 33_________ of the company.
The increased rate of staff satisfaction has led to growth of 32% in the34_________

Recent interview:

• A company is not one entity comprised of components, but a living organism composed of cells.
• Manjeet’s motto is 35_________

Benefits of management style:

• The rate of staff turnover has been reduced.
• A 36_________ can be from any other company.
• Grades are not used for 37_________

Features of managing style:

• Personally, the manager wrote emails to respond to the complaints.
• The complaint form known as a 38_________ has access to all employees online.
• The manager can receive any complaints concerning air conditioning, food quality and 39_________ entitlement.
• A 40_________ on the anonymous complaint was introduced in the new system.

IELTS Listening Test 24 Answers

Driving School IELTS Listening Answers

1 67 King’s
2 north
3 Sutcliffe
4 automatic
5 day
6 weather
7 licence/ license
8 50
9 30
10 notebook/diary

Mount Rushmore IELTS Listening Answers

11 1 million
12 tourism
13 southeast/ south-east
14 lawyer
15 7/seven
16 A
17 C
18 E
19 D
20 B

Tourism Courses IELTS Listening Answers

21 A
22 B
23 A
24 C
25 C
26 E
27 A
28 B
29 D
30 C

Company Outsourcing IELTS Listening Answers

31 democratic
32 internal website
33 transparency
34 (company’s) income
35 employee first
36 solution
37 promotion
38 ticket
39 vacation
40 ban

Also Check: Phone Interview | Giving a Speech | IELTS Listening Test 11

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