Number Of New Graduates And Their Employment In The Uk

Number of New Graduates and Their Employment in the UK

Number of New Graduates and Their Employment in the UK from 1992 to 2002

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph and chart below give information about the number of new graduates and their employment in the UK from 1992 to 2002.

Write at least 150 words.

The Number Of New Graduates In Uk Ielts Writing Task 1 Academic

Employment Status In Uk Ielts Writing Task 1 Academic

Real IELTS Exam Question, Reported On: Ieltsxpress-Logo

India 24th December 2022

Employment in the UK from 1992 to 2002 IELTS Graph

Model Answer 1:

The given graphs show a breakdown of the number of fresh graduates and their employment status in the UK from 1992 to 2002.

Overall, the number of new graduates appears to have increased over the given period. It is also clear from the bar graph that the majority of UK students opted to follow professional careers upon graduating from university.Ieltsxpress-Logo

In 1992, there were roughly 165,000 British students graduating from university. This figure rose markedly to a peak of about 195,000 in 1997, before dropping thereafter to about 180,000 students in 2002. ieltsxpress

As far as their employment status was concerned, careers in clerical and secretarial fields saw a marginal rise from 9% in 1992 to nearly 20% in 2002. An opposite trend is seen in jobs related to management and administration, with the figures standing at 20% in 1992 and dropping by 1% 10 years later. Similarly, the figure for professional careers also showed a downward trend, although much steeper, from a peak of nearly 60% to its low of around 44%.

IELTS Combination Chart Line and Bar

Model Answer 2:

The line graph and bar graph depict the number of new graduates and their employment status between 1992 to 2002.

Overall, that chart depicts that a lot of students graduated in 1997 as compared to 1992, but this number reduced by 2002. Moreover, these fresh graduates showed more interest in professional jobs as compared to the other.

In the line graph, 165 thousand students graduated from college in 1992. By 1997 this number increased to 195 thousand. But in 2002 there was a sharp decline in the number of graduates, as the number was reduced to 180 thousand. ieltsxpress

In the bar graph, the professional job category remained high in demand by these graduates in all three years. But by 2002 the demand in this category reduced by 10%. In contrast, clerical and secretarial jobs saw a steady increase. In 1992, only 9% of graduates showed interest in this field but this number increased to 20% by 2002. While in the managerial and administrative field and other field graduates showed almost similar interest in 2002 as they showed in 1992 and 1997. Although no graduates showed interest in the sales field in1992, this figure went up by 10% in 2002.Ieltsxpress-Logo

Number of New Graduates in UK IELTS Graph

Model Answer 3:

The line graph shows the number of graduates in the UK and the bar chart compares their occupations between 1992 and 2002.

Overall, the quantity of UK students graduating from university increased in the first five years before declining in the later five-year period. Most students worked in professional fields.

Looking at the line graph, about 165 thousand students graduates from university in 1992, which increased by 30 thousand after five years. Then, this figure declined to 180 thousand at the end of this period. ieltsxpressIeltsxpress-Logo

In terms of the bar chart, just under 60% of graduates worked in professional positions, which declined by about 5% each five-year period. The similar trend was repeated in the figure for managers and administrators, but its figure was only equal to a third. In contrast, despite a rise, the percentages of students working as clerks & secretaries, sales and others were trivial, ranging front about 5% to 18% only.

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