Ielts Speaking Part 1 Topic Losing And Finding Ieltsxpress

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Losing and Finding Things

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Losing and Finding Things Questions and Answers

Losing and Finding Things IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience. ieltsxpress

Losing and Finding Things IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Question 1:- What should people do if they find something?

Answer 1:- The lost found things must be returned to their rightful owner. First of all, check whether the contact number of the owner is provided or not. I yes, contact him and hand over the object to him. Else if there is no contact available, hand it over to the helpdesk or to the nearest police station.

Answer 2:- Well, I believe that people try to find out the owner of that thing so that they can return it or otherwise they will donate it to some needy person.

Question 2:- Is it ok to keep an item that you found?

Answer 1:- Absolutely not. It is not okay to keep something that we found somewhere. The object may have a higher emotional value than the cost of the object, which may lead to the mental disturbance caused by the sadness or guilty feeling by the owner.

Answer 2:- Well, to be honest, it is not ok to keep some item which you found somewhere. Because we are not the real owner of that thing, it would be better if we could return it to its owner, or we can also donate the same to some needy person.

Question 3:- What should people do to find what they lost?

Answer 1:- First of all, they must search at the possible places where the item may get lost. If it is not found, then they inform other people that something is lost and they may help to search. Also must be informed at helpdesk or nearest police station, so that they inform the owner if someone who found the object report at station.

Answer 2:- People should report their missing items to the police station. They can also publish their missing item in the newspaper under the lost or found section. If someone reads that article and finds your missing item, he may return it by contacting you.

Question 4:- What things do people usually find?

Answer 1:- Usually, there’s a chance of finding materials like gold or cash. These are the objects with a higher possibility of losing while other small objects like pen drives, wallets, various smart cards like atm cards, Identity Cards also get lost.

Answer 2:- I believe most people found money. For example, I also found some pennies while walking on the road. I always prefer to donate that money to some needy person.

Question 5:- Have you ever lost something?

Answer 1:- Absolutely, I also lost some gold while travelling during my childhood. It was a chain gifted to me by my grandmother. As the object was not found, I suspect someone had stolen it from me or someone who found it kept it himself.

Answer 2:- Yeah, that was a nightmare for me. Because my wife lost an expensive gold bangle in a restaurant in my hometown, although we tried a lot to find it and contacted the restaurant owner as well, We were unable to locate the same.

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