Practice plan for sharing accommodation IELTS Listening Test 19

Plan For Sharing Accommodation IELTS Listening Test 19

Plan For Sharing Accommodation IELTS Listening | Internship Stipulation | Group Presentation Assignment | The Gherkin Building

Part 1

Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below.

Plan For Sharing Accommodation

Example Answer
The discussion topic: lease for next year
The total rent: Peter £ 110 & Jim £ 1 _______
Car parking: in the 2 _______
A place to buy things: 3 _______, because Jim works there.
The fees they should share: 4 _______ fees
The appliances needed: • The landlord will provide the microwave.
• The 5 _______. is needed in the kitchen.
• Peter will bring some dining room and living room furniture.
• Jim will buy a 6………….. at the store.
Location of the telephone: in the 7 _______
Move-in date: 8 _______
Watching the game together: on 9 _______
What Jim needs to do before move-in: take 10 _______ in the morning

Part 2

Internship Stipulation

Questions 11-12
Complete the sentences below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

The program is made for travelers to make 11 _______
The program operates in cooperation with the 12 _______

Questions 13-16
What is the internship stipulation of each country below?
Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to questions 13-16.

Internship Stipulation

A   home stay
B   no summer program
C   minimum time requirement
D   formal report required
E   specific time period
F   agriculture


13   USA
14   Australia
15   South Africa
16   India

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Questions 17-20
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

17   What should you do to get the Global Traveling Certificate?

A   record activity everyday
B   formal report
C   talk the experience with the assessor

18   You can apply for the certificate

A   only after you come back.
B   while on the trip.
C   before you leave.

19   When should you pay the final installment?

A   the day before you leave
B   one month before you return
C   before you get your plane ticket

20   Before your application, you need

A   to take a health check.
B   to attend the workshop.
C   to meet people with whom you will work.

Part 3

Questions 21-30
Complete the notes below.

Group Presentation Assignment

Topic Information source
21 _______ check at the 22 _______
Views on 23 _______ interview the manager of 24 _______
Practice of 25 _______ find relevant information from the 26 _______
How to deliver the plan: as an 27 _______
Date of giving the presentation: on 28 _______
Schedule of items due: First Phase: 29 _______
Final Phase: Group 30 _______

Part 4

Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

The Gherkin Building

Commissioned by: 31 _______ firm called Foster and Partners

The features of its appearance:

• Its shape is like a 32 _______
• It can reduce the carbon 33 _______ of the citys.
• It lets 34 _______ pass through the building, both reducing heating costs and brightening up the workspace
• One false story claimed that the exterior of the building is partly made of 35 _______

Architectural concept:

• links 36 _______ with the workplace.
• relies less on 37_______ for temperature control than other similar buildings.

The features of its interior:

• The atria that let fresh air pass through the interior are known as 38 _______
• There is a place for entertainment called the 39 _______at the top of the building.

The future of urban planning and architecture:

• It is likely that the entire 40 _______ will be designed with more similarly ecofriendly buildings in future.
• A new building will be constructed aiming to produce zero waste and remove carbon dioxide from us as much as possible.

IELTS Listening Test 19 Answers

Plan For Sharing Accommodation IELTS Listening Answers

1. 80
2. garage
3. (the) supermarket
4. petrol
5. space heater
6. toaster
7. kitchen
8. 1 June/ June 1 (st)
9. Friday evening/ night
10. (an) exam

Internship Stipulation IELTS Listening Answers

11. money
12. school(s)
13. B
14. E
15. F
16. A
17. A
18. A
19. B
20. A

Group Presentation Assignment IELTS Listening Answers

21. student loans
22. Finance Office
23. smoking
24. supermarket
25. natural medicine
26. Careers Office
27. email attachment
28. 5 November/ November 5(th)
29. data analysis
30. presentation

The Gherkin Building IELTS Listening Answers

31. law (offices)
32. cigar
33. footprints
34. light
35. grass
36. nature
37. air-conditioning
38. lungs
39. clubroom
40. city

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Plan For Sharing Accommodation IELTS Listening Audio Transcript

PETER: Hey Jim, it’s Peter.
JIM: Oh hey Peter. What’s up?
PETER: I thought I’d call so we could hammer out the details for next year’s lease (Example).
JIM: That’s a good idea. Did we ever decide on how to split the total rent?
PETER: Well, I was thinking since my room is bigger I probably should pay a little more, so I could pay £110 and you could pay £80 (Q1). Does that sound okay?
JIM: Considering that my old apartment cost me £100 for a smaller room, I’m definitely alright with that! Hey, I was looking at a map of the area, and can’t seem to find a bus stop near it. Do you know where we would catch the bus?
PETER: Well, the bus is actually pretty far from us, but we have that garage (Q2) that we can park our cars in.
JIM: Wow, that’s great! Convenient parking is hard to find, so we’re lucky we have that. Okay, so we have a whole lot of things we’ll need to buy when we move in – how do you want to split that up?
PETER: I was wondering – do you still work at the supermarket (Q3)?

JIM: Yep, every Tuesday and Saturday.
PETER: Would you be able to buy things from there if I send you a shopping list?
JIM: Sure, I can do that.
PETER: Great. Then I can take care of whatever else we need that you wouldn’t get at a supermarket. If you want, I’ll pick you up from work that day and we can go to the apartment together.
JIM: That would be great, thanks.
PETER: No problem – that way we can split the cost of petrol (Q4).
JIM: Works for me. It’s so expensive these days, isn’t it?
PETER: It’s downright obscene.
JIM: So let’s figure out what appliances we need. Do we have a microwave?
PETER: Yes, the landlord’s providing that for us. Hey, do you still have that space heater (Q5) though? We need one for the kitchen since it’s not connected to the central heating.
JIM: Oh, right, I’ll bring that. Anything else?
PETER: Well, I have some dining room and living room furniture I can bring, so that should take care of most of the big stuff. You know what we do need though? Could you bring a toaster (Q6)?
JIM: I actually don’t have one. It doesn’t come with the microwave?
PETER: No, the landlord is only supplying the microwave. It would really help if you could bring one.
JIM: Okay, I’ll pick one up at the store. You know, I also have this cool antique rotary phone that would be a cool addition to the apartment. Sort of as decoration and utility.
PETER: Oh cool! The only thing is, we’d have to put it in the kitchen, unless you want it in your room.
JIM: Why not put it in the living room?
PETER: The living room is too loud to have a phone conversation. The noise sort of carries, so if one person is trying to watch TV or have friends over the person on the phone won’t be able to hear.
JIM: Hm, okay, well I guess kitchen (Q7) it is then. Any other big things we need? That seems like everything.
PETER: That’s all I can think of. And of course, move-in is –
JIM: June 1st (Q8). I can’t wait. We’ll be able to watch the big game in our new apartment – it’s going to be awesome!
PETER: Yeah, we can move in in the morning and then Friday night (Q9) we can sit back and cheer on Liverpool.
JIM: I have an exam (Q10) in the morning, but will be done around 11 a.m. and can move in after. Wait…Liverpool? You’re joking, right? I thought you were a Manchester United fan?
PETER: MAN U? No way! Liverpool all the way!
JIM: Oh no. I don’t know if I can live with a Liverpool fan…

Internship Stipulation IELTS Listening Audio Transcript

Welcome to all of you…Can everybody see and hear me?… Good…I’m Sarah Conor, an HR representative of Earn and Learn. I have been asked today to talk to you about our company. So, for those of you who don’t know very much about the company, let me start by giving you some basic information about it.

Earn and Learn started nearly twenty years ago. It is not a charity but a forprofit company that enables promising entrepreneurs to make money (Q11) while traveling. During the past ten years, it has grown rapidly and has gained great influence in most countries of the world.

We have a partnership with the school (Q12) and take a large number of recent graduates from the business school. So if you are a recent graduate I’d say you can consider applying to our company.

Before your application, you might be curious about what sort of places you could go to. There are four main locations, but you also have the freedom to submit a different location and if they can make the necessary arrangements, you can go. The first country Earn and Learn established locations in was the U.S., where you may choose from multiple locations, as long as you can commit to their more rigid schedule of August to December (Q13).

Also, you could do the Australia (Q14) internship. That one is really cool – you work at a wildlife shelter and learn about the business practices of nonprofit organisations. You do have to be willing to commit 8 months for that one (Q14), though. Perhaps that’s a long time to be so far away, but I would say it is really an amazing opportunity.

I don’t know whether some of you are in decent physical shape. If so, the South Africa (Q15) internship is another exciting one – you learn a lot about sustainable farming – but you would be doing some of Q15 the manual labor involved in maintaining a farm. Indeed, it’s hard work, but I think you would definitely be able to do it. It may be wise to wait until after their summer is over so it’s not so terribly hot.

In addition, there is a most recently established location in India (Q16). This one gives you more of a study abroad feel, given that they arrange a host family for you to stay with (Q16). In the other locations, you live in an apartment with other interns, so this is definitely a unique experience.

Regardless of where you go, at the end of the program you get a Global Traveling Certificate, as long as you can explain your experience. You can provide a written log of what you did (Q17). I recommend writing journal or blog entries about what you do every day, or a weekly summary of each day. Of course you don’t have to write up a formal report or anything like that. And you need to apply for it once you have returned (Q18).

Some students may want to know whether this is a paid internship. Actually you have to pay for the flight there yourself. But you have the opportunity to create your own small business, which could earn you money if it’s So basically you pay for it all up front, but when you’re there you can find ways to make money. That is to say, you pay for two thirds of the cost up front as a deposit, and then give the final installment one month prior to your return (Q19).

Finally, I have to remind you that you need a health check (Q20) before you go, to make sure you’re not going to spread any communicable diseases. In addition, before you go, you don’t have to attend any meetings or workshops. You’ll meet everyone you’ll be working with once you get there.

Okay, well, that’s all I’ve time for today. Thanks for listening and I’m happy to take any questions if you have them…

Group Presentation Assignment IELTS Listening Audio Transcript

STUDENT: Hi, Professor Timmons? Do you have a few minutes? I was hoping to talk about what I missed on Thursday.
PROFESSOR: Hello, come in. Sure, sit down. Could you tell me your name please?
STUDENT: Margaret, sir. Margaret Parkinson. I apologise for missing your class but I had to go to the hospital.
PROFESSOR: I’m sorry to hear that! Everything is OK now though, I hope?
STUDENT: Yes, thanks.
PROFESSOR: Glad to hear it. So on Thursday I outlined the research project that will account for 30% of your grade. All students will be divided into groups and will give a well-researched presentation to the class covering a specific topic relevant to student life.
STUDENT: Oh, that sounds interesting – can we choose just any topic that pertains to life as a student, like how to start your own student organisation?
PROFESSOR: Well, though Em sure that would be an informative presentation, I have already chosen a list of topics which I will assign. As an example, I assigned one group the topic of student loans (Q21). They are to research not just the prevalence of students who have loans to pay for their tuition, but information as to how best to manage these loans and possible scholarships that could alleviate some of the financial burden.
STUDENT: That one sounds particularly interesting to me – could I request that topic? I could easily find out a lot about it by stopping by the Finance Office (Q22) on my way to class.
PROFESSOR: Unfortunately, that one is already taken by another group. I have, however assigned you to a group and given you all one of two choices.

STUDENT: Oh, I see. What are the choices?
PROFESSOR: The first is discussing smoking (Q23). Trends in the number of student smokers compared with the general population, popular reasons students take up smoking, and more healthy alternatives to smoking.
STUDENT: Hm, that one could be interesting. I’m not a smoker myself, but will see what my group thinks. If we did choose this topic, we would rather not put our fellow students on the spot to interview them – where else could we gather information?
PROFESSOR: How about where the cigarettes are sold?
STUDENT: Oh, that’s a great idea. I could interview the manager of a supermarket (Q24) and find out the average age of people buying cigarettes, or how much they buy, that sort of thing?
PROFESSOR: Precisely.
STUDENT: Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. And what was the other topic?
PROFESSOR: The other topic is the practice of natural medicine (Q25). It sounds far more specific than the others, but it is more an exercise of outlining a career path. If your group chooses this, you would cover the specifics of becoming a Doctor of Natural Medicine, how to become licensed to practice natural medicine, what the career outlook is, etc. you could find much of the information you need on this in the Careers Office (Q26).
STUDENT: Wow, that would be really helpful not just in learning about natural medicine, but in how to approach researching any career path.
PROFESSOR: That’s the idea. I want groups to really think outside the box to find information on their topics. They should interview multiple sources.
STUDENT: Okay, now I think I have the general idea.
STUDENT: When is the presentation due?
PROFESSOR: I expect each group to send me an email attachment (Q27) of the plan ahead of time – by October 10th – so that I can ensure that you are on the right track.
STUDENT: Oh, that’s actually really reassuring. I would hate to spend so much time on a presentation only to find we had taken it in the wrong direction! So when is the presentation?
PROFESSOR: I let groups choose from the list of time slots I have between November 1st and November 5th (Q28).
STUDENT: Okay, how about the 3rd? I’ll have to check with my group, of course, but maybe we could write a tentative time?
PROFESSOR: Sure, let me take a look. I’m actually booked completely through the 3rd and 4th now. How about sometime in the afternoon of the 5th?
STUDENT: Great! How about 2 o’clock?

PROFESSOR: No problem. I’ll pencil your group in.
STUDENT: Okay, thanks. And to clarify, what exactly is due in the first phase?
PROFESSOR: Before the October deadline, I want your group to have compiled resources and then to provide some initial data analysis (Q29) to support your claims.
STUDENT: Okay, so data analysis is due the 10th of October, and then the um, the
PROFESSOR: – Presentation (Q30)? Yes. The final phase is simply giving the presentation on the 5th of November.
STUDENT: Alright, I think I have all the information I need. Thanks!
PROFESSOR: You’re welcome. See you in class tomorrow.

The Gherkin Building IELTS Listening Audio Transcript

Today I’d like to tell you about how U.K. architects are playing their part to address the issue of global warming. You have seen many of these iconic buildings while going about your everyday life, but you may not know how they are affecting your tomorrow.

In 2003, construction was completed on the famous Swiss Re Building, or more informally called the Gherkin, a true masterpiece commissioned by the law (Q31) offices of Foster and Partners.

This is not the first ambitious endeavor of the firm – they are renowned for their various philanthropic, environmental efforts. The Gherkin, with its cutting edge green initiative and sharp design, is gaining recognition as an icon in modern architecture. You can pick it out of the London skyline by its unorthodox cigar (Q32) shape.

While its appearance is the obvious attribute at which to marvel, there is far more to this building than meets the eye. And let’s face it – there’s a lot about this building that meets the eye. The building helps reduce the city’s carbon footprints (Q33) in a number of ways.

Just a quick note – in case you’re not familiar with the term ‘carbon footprints,’ get used to it! It’s a buzzword you’ll hear relentlessly to talk about reducing emissions. Think of it as the amount of harmful greenhouse gases that are given off into the environment by a single person, organisation, or product.

So going back to the Gherkin Building – perhaps the most obvious as well as the most significant eco-friendly feature is the glass windows, which allow light (Q34) to pass through the building, both reducing heating costs and brightening up the workspace.

The ingenuity behind the various eco-friendly aspects of the Gherkin has seen its fair share of publicity both from serious and silly sources. In a recent April Fool’s Day edition, one e-publication printed a story detailing plans to replace 50% of the current exterior with grass (Q35), which would not only make large steps in the name of sustainability, but also give the building the green hue that would truly earn it the nickname of the Gherkin. The only drawback is, as you may have guessed, that this story was an April Fool’s Day joke and completely made up.

In all seriousness though, the building is setting a new standard of design that other architects and city planners just cannot ignore. The building’s bold and cost-efficient design has won a number of architecture awards, including the Stirling Prize, the London Region Award, and the Emporis Skyscraper Award among others. The design comfortably accommodates a large number of offices while keeping maintenance and operation costs down, striking a superb balance between nature (Q36) and the workplace.

Nature is well arid good, as long as the weather is nice outside. Given London’s notoriously bad weather, the architects knew they must devise a quality temperature regulation system, and that they did. A special system designed to reduce the building’s reliance on air-conditioning (Q37) was devised that cuts consumption in half compared to standard office buildings. There are atria that link each floor vertically to one another, forming spiraling spaces up the entire building. They serve not just as social common spaces but also act as the building’s lungs (Q38), distributing clean air from the opening panels in the facade through the entire building.

The building isn’t all business though – it has its fair share of fun as well. At the very top, a clubroom (Q39) offers a picturesque entertainment spot for company functions, private parties, etc., with a breathtaking panoramic view of the city.

The creation of such an innovative structure has many wondering what the future of urban planning and architecture may be. Well, if the other projects currently commissioned by Foster and Partners are any indication, the entire city (Q40) constructed with similarly eco-friendly buildings is not far in the distance. The Masdar City development aims to create a desert city that produces zero waste and removes as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it puts in – a huge feat in protecting our earth.

The Gherkin is a truly impressive feat, yet it is not the only one worth noting. Now to move on to another green initiative, I’ll tell you about the Eden Foundation Building, found in Cornwall…

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Plan For Sharing Accommodation IELTS Listening Test 19

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