Practice Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 3 with Answers

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Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 3

The Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 3 features a diverse range of topics to enhance your IELTS Listening preparation. This test includes “Greek Island Holidays”, discussing travel packages and highlights of the islands; “Winridge Forest Railway Park”, exploring attractions and features of the park; “Study Skills Tutorial – Caroline Benning”, providing tips and strategies for academic success; and “The Underground House”, examining the design and benefits of an innovative housing concept.

Each section challenges your ability to grasp details, follow discussions, and interpret ideas effectively. Answers are provided to support your preparation and progress.

Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 3 – Section 1

Section 1: Questions 1-5
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.

Apartments Facilities Other information Cost
Rose Garden Apartments studio flat entertainment programme: Greek dancing £ 219
Blue Bay Apartments large salt water swimming pool – just (1)……………. meters from beach
– near shops
£ 275
(2)………………Apartments terrace watersports £ 490
The Grand Greek paintings and (3)………….. – overlooking (4)………….
– near a supermarket and disco
(5) £…………

(1) _______________               (2) _______________
(3) _______________               (4) _______________
(5) _______________

Questions 6-10
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.


Insurance benefits Maximum amount
Cancellation (6) £………………….
Hospital £ 600, additional benefit allows a (7)……………… to travel to resort
(8)…………………… departure up to £ 1000 depends on reason
Personal belongings up to £ 3000, £ 500 for one (9)……………

(6)  _______________                   (7) _______________
(8)   _______________                   (9) _______________
(10) _______________

Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 3 – Section 2

Section 2:
Questions 11-13

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.


11. Simon’s idea for a theme park came from

A his childhood hobby
B his interest in landscape design
C his visit to another park

12. When they started, the family decided to open the park only when

A the weather was expected to be good
B the children weren’t at school
C there were fewer farming commitments

13. Since opening, the park has had

A 50,000 visitors
B 1,000,000 visitors
C 1,500,000 visitors

Questions 14-18
What is currently the main area of work of each of the following people?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter A-H next to questions 14-18.

14. Simon _______________
15. Liz        _______________
16. Sarah   _______________
17. Duncan _______________
18. Judith   _______________

Area of work

A advertising   
animal care     
educational links     
engine maintenance
F food and drink     
H staffing

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Questions 19 and 20
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.

A advertising B animal care C building D educational links
E engine maintenance F food and drink G sales H staffing

(19) _______________
(20) _______________

Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 3 – Section 3

Section 3:
Questions 21-30

Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER.

Study Skills Tutorial – Caroline Benning

Dissertation topic:          the (21) _______________
Strengths:                         (22) _______________

Computer modeling
Weaknesses:                    lack of background information
Poor (23) _______________ skills

Possible strategy Benefits Problems
Peer group discussion increase (24)……………… dissertations tend to contain the same (25)…………………
Use the (26)……………service provides structured programme limited (27)…………………..
Consult study skills books are a good source of reference can be too (28)……………….

(24) _______________                    (25) _______________
(26) _______________                    (27) _______________
(28) _______________

Recommendations:                  use a card index
Read all notes (29) _______________
Next tutorial date:                    (30) _______________ January

Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 3 – Section 4

Section 4:
Questions 31 and 32

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

31. The owners of the underground house

A had no experience of living in a rural area
B were interested in environmental issues
C wanted a professional project manager

32. What does the speaker say about the site of the house?

A The land was quite cheap
B Stone was being extracted nearby
C It was in a completely unspoilt area

Questions 33-40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.


• Built in the earth, with two floors
• The south-facing side was constructed of two layers of (33) _______________
• Photovoltaic tiles were attached
• A layer of foam was used to improve the (34) _______________ of the building

Special features
• To increase the light, the building has many internal mirrors and (35) _______________
• In future, the house may produce more (36) _______________ than it needs
• Recycled wood was used for the (37) _______________ of the house
• The system for processing domestic (38) _______________ is organic

Environmental issues
• The use of large quantities of (39) _______________ in construction was environmentally harmful
• But the house will have paid its ‘environmental debt’ within (40) _______________

Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 3 Answers

1. 300
2. sunshade
3. balcony
4. forest(s)
5. 319
6. 10,000
7. relative
8. missed
9. item
10. Ludlow
11. C
12. A
13. C

14. E
15. H
16. F
17. C
18. G
19. 120
20. 5-12
21. fishing industry
22. statistics
23. note-taking
24. confidence
25. ideas
26. student support
27. places
28. general
29. 3 times
30. 25
31. B
32. A

33. glass
34. insulation
35. windows
36. electricity
37. floor(s)
38. waste
39. concrete
40. 15 years

Practice: Practice Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 2 with Answers

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