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Sample Introductions Hook Statements IELTS Essay Writing

Sample Introductions Hook Statements IELTS most important essay topics

Ever wondered what to write as a hook statement for your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay? Here in this post we have listed sample introduction and hook statements for most important and most repeated topics for your essay writing.


Art is an activity through which an individual expresses his or her emotions and depicts certain thing in a different manner. Art is a skill that is disappearing rapidly. People these days are more focused on work rather than art and craft. It’s not that art should only be limited to artists but it should also be practiced by everyone as it increases your capability to think creatively in every facet of life.


Money is as important as anything in life. Human beings spend their entire life chasing money. Business on the other hand is a way of earning money and a lot of people choose business over employment. I do not feel that making huge sums of money is the only intention of people choosing business; there are other factors to it as well.


Crime is the most soaring issues in today’s era. It is increasing at an unprecedented rate over the last few decades across the globe. There are some countries that have no mercy for the criminals. While, there are other nations that have failed to control crime because of the lack of punishments give to the offenders in their judicial system.


Education is the third eye of humans. We learn most of the things in life from our society but education teaches us directly while studying at a school or college. Education provides firsthand knowledge of our history, languages, science, and so on. Though education can be accessed by reading books at home but I still feel that studying formally at a school is the best way to gain education.


Our surroundings like rivers, lakes, trees, air, parks, plantation and etcetera are known as environment. Our environment throughout the world is getting contaminated day by day. This issue has been tackled by a number of countries with good effect yet there are some that have not been able to do something about this impediment. We should start to take steps regarding this otherwise the day is not far when we will put our life in jeopardy.


Family plays the most integral role in shaping the life of an individual. Members of the family support each other through thick and thin. Children learn a lot of things from family in addition to formal education. When children interact with family members, they grasp knowledge and experience of elder members. There are different structures of family all over the Earth but nuclear and joint family is the most prominent type of families.


Language is a way of sharing your emotions and feelings through words. Everyone on the Earth use languages to communicate with each other. Learning a language in itself is a great experience. There are endless numbers of languages which are spoken across the world out of which English, Spanish, French and Chinese are the most prominent ones.


As there’s an old saying, health is wealth. A person with good health can enjoy most of the things in life. Even if an individual achieve a lot of things in life but without good health, one remains incomplete. Having an impeccable health is a boon. There are myriad of things that personages can follow in order to maintain health.


Media is the most powerful source of knowledge and entertainment in today’s era. Media is a thriving force which can influence the thinking of masses. Media also telecasts advertising on television, internet and other mediums. Advertisements have changed the way people buy things these days and they are allured by the adverts to buy things.


Technology has emerged by leaps and bounds. Today, people depend on technology for almost everything. From waking up in the morning to going to office and cooking, everything is now integrated with technology. From the past couple of decades, technology has gained new heights and has helped humans in every field. However, some people still feel that it has both behooves as well as flinches.


Travel is an activity by which we go from one place to the other by using transport. Travelling has become effortless. Currently, there are countless ways through which we can commute. A recent survey marked that air travel is the safest travel of the world in terms of deaths per year from accidents in the past five decades.


Reading is one of the most intellectual habits that people have. Reading anything will escalate knowledge of an individual. Reading the books, novels or newspaper increases the vocabulary up your sleeves. People often read books during their study but I feel that reading is a natural instinct and should not stop from cradle to grave.


Tourism is a way through which people visit different places for leisure, people like to see new things, taste different food, and meet contrasting people. Tourism is no more a trivial activity. These days, most of the people like to visit different countries and enjoy the unlike vibe.


Sport is one of the indispensable parts of human’s life. In our day to day life we watch different sports that are telecasted from numerous parts of the world. Sports is not only limited to sportsperson. It is an activity that comes with a lot of benefits and should be enjoyed by everyone.


As an adage goes, Work is worship. This is not true as people across the globe are working day in day out to
churn bread and butter. There are number of people who work full time as well as part time depending upon their requirements. Work is of different types like some personages prefer to do a job while others like business. Both types of work demand different skills.


Shrinkage of the world into a small village mainly by the means of transport and internet is known as globalization. This phenomenon is spreading with a lot of pace. It has brought the world together on the same platform. It has a lot of positive as well as negative effects on the mankind.


Pollution is a menace in the contemporary era. It has created a lot of chaos across the world. In some parts of the globe it is so adverse that it has even become deadly. Pollution is of different types like air, water, soil, noise pollution and so on. It is a serious issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.


Health care system of a country is its lifeline. A healthy life is a boon for anyone. Health care systems are responsible for the good health of the citizens of a nation. There are different types of health care institutes. Generally every country has a private and government type of health care.


Agriculture in other words is an activity through which different vegetables, crops and a variety of grains are produced. It is a vast subject for many centuries and an inevitable process for humans. Agriculture is practiced in almost every country of the world providing the weather is suitable. People involved in agriculture are generally hard working.


Computers have changed the way people work. Computers have made people dependent on it in every facet and field of life. Literally, all the data from banking sector, health care, and businesses and so on is stored on computers. It has impacted human life in good as well as bad ways.

Also Check: Improve IELTS Writing skills by using Grammarly

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Sample Introductions Hook Statements IELTS Essay Writing

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